Monday, February 8, 2016

Commander in Chic “FAB-FIVE” – Making The List


As the self-appointed Commander in Chic, I hold myself to a very high standard and do not take THE WOW FACTOR lightly. That said, I am a hopeless romantic and have a tendency to fall in love with stuff. A lot. I have found it necessary to establish a ruthless system to pare down my llooonnng Lists-of-Fabulous to present you with only the Best and Brightest. The system is comprised of THREE rigorous rounds of potential elimination, so let me assure you, the FAB FIVE is an elite and distilled set. I have outlined the system below.  Brace yourself.
ROUND ONE: Does my first encounter with the Potential-List-Maker give me Goosies? Does said item cause me to feel faint or experience shortness of breath and weakness in the knees? ROUND ONE is really pretty straight forward and resolved with a simple “yes” or “no” answer.
ROUND TWO: Do I need to go back to pay my respects and say my good-byes to the Potential-List-Maker before departing for fear I will miss said item in our time away from each other? I am amazed at how often an item passes ROUND ONE with flying colors, but is forgotten when a certain commander (wink, wink) is swept-off-of-her-feet by a “sparklier” anything. The quickly-forgotten-item is referred to as a Commander-in-Chic-Crush.  I have lots of them, but no Crush has eh-ver made the FAB FIVE. The FAB FIVE represents only true and lasting Love.
ROUND THREE: Do I find myself in the dark of night staring at my ceiling thinking about the Potential-List-Maker and wondering if said item is thinking of me, too?  Am I sacrificing sleep in order to devise a plan to be reunited with Potential-List-Maker?  Well, the loss of sleep is not in vain because we have a new member of the Commander in Chic FAB FIVE. Woo-Hoo!
Scientists may question the validity of the Commander in Chic FAB FIVE Test, however, let me assure you, this system delivers.  Stay tuned for future FAB FIVE posts delivering ONLY the cream that has risen to the top with sprinkles and a cherry on top!  #CommanderinChic #FabFive

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