Thursday, January 22, 2015

Be an IMperfectionist!

I read an article recently that shook me up a bit. A successful young business woman was asked to share her greatest strength. She said she was a perfectionist. Well, we will be fast friends! This girl has really hit the nail on the head. Take it from this perfectionist, that girl gave a perfect answer. But, then she continued… She used to pride herself on being a perfectionist, til she realized it often kept her from moving forward. Boom! Clap! What?!?
SELF: “But, wait! It’s not perfect, yet!”
REASON: “Yes, but it’s progress!  Now, press on to the next thing.”
Reason gets on my last nerve! But, maybe Reason and this young entrepreneur are on to something. I REALLY prefer perfection! But, moving forward IMperfectly is still MOVING FORWARD.
I am amazed, having read the article, how often I get in my own way. The perfectionist in me would still be agonizing over the design of this blog and structure of the content, but I am trying to be less rigid for the sake of progress. Last week, I fussed bc I could not start back excercising since I had to miss 2 of the 5 days in my aerobics class. Prince Charming had the nerve of suggesting that I go ahead to the 3 when I’m available since I’ve been missing excercise. Oh. I swear REASON and Prince C. must talk all the time. It’s a conspiracy! But, on the chance that they are on to something, let’s strive for IMperfect progress.

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